
Our goal is to create a healthier Philadelphia community by promoting active lifestyles that incorporate multiple generations.

Our Work

This grant was established to help youth, parents, and grandparents become more active by promoting awareness of the benefits of physical activity. Active lifestyles can help to decrease rates of obesity and are excellent ways for families to spend time together. Research has found that family-level interventions can increase efficacy of the population to achieve healthier weights. We utilize existing partnerships between Penn and the West Philadelphia schools and community centers, hoping to work collaboratively to increase physical activity among youth and their families in this area.


Led by Dr. Terri Lipman of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing, the project was approved by the NIH in 2015. We work with a number of community partners and stakeholders to collaborate on research analysis and propose possible solutions for community engagement and participation. With a three-year timeline, the project aims to disseminate findings by 2018. Once research is completed, we will seek additional funding for the implementation of activity-based programs in the West Philadelphia area.